Want To Be Part Of The Solution?

We believe that real change comes through partnership, and for real change to happen, everyone needs a seat at the table. That is why we have several options when assessing membership.

Private Sector Provider

Public Sector Provider

Third Sector Provider

Commissioning Partnership

Professional and Corporate Partnership

What Memberships Include

Looking To Become A Partner?

We also recognise that fees need to be ethical, and reflective of the financial pressures faced across the country. So, we have created a two tier access that allows partners to join in a way that best meets their needs, with weekly fees start from as little as £4.41*

Regional Partnership


Unlimited access to our weekly Bitesize Learning and Peer to Peer Support sessions.

One attendee to all in person forums held within your registered region.

National Partnership


Unlimited access to our weekly Bitesize Learning and Peer to Peer Support sessions.

Two attendees to all in person forums held nationally.

Contact Section

*Membership fees are subject to VAT, are calculated annually, and must be paid in full prior to access being granted for any NASAP events, forum, sessions.

NASAP Membership Registration | Join the Partnership

Hear From Our Partners

“Having long awaited itʼs arrival, I am delighted at the creation of NASAP as an umbrella organisation for the supported accommodation sector and feel we have already made a significant step forward in providing a much needed unified voice and shared resource.ˮ

NASAPʼs “collaboration over competitionˮ ethos mirrors my values as a provider as Iʼve always been more than happy to share information and resources with colleagues. Iʼm looking forward to watching NASAP develop and evolve and bring visibility and advocacy around issues that matter to supported accommodation providers.

The Wednesday bitesize and peer support sessions with David Thompson and John Woodhouse at the helm, have been invaluable during our Ofsted regulation preparation and as well as being hugely informative theyʼve also managed to provide a bit of fun and light relief from the work weʼve all been undertaking. It’s been exciting watching NASAP become the leading voice of the supported accommodation sector.ˮ

– Lyn Butterworth, 123 Supported Accommodation